Hi Glams!
For today's post I wanted to give you guys a quick review and comparison of two foundations from the same brand.
I remember when L'Oreal first came out with their Infallible line of foundation where it focused more on a dewy look with their Pro Glow Foundation. And while I LOVE a great dewy look, for my super oily skin I skipped over giving that foundation a try until ... they released their Pro Matte foundation a few months later. Since then, L'Oreal has been busy adding to their infallible line and have just released a full coverage foundation, Total Cover.
Intrigued I decided to give this full coverage foundation a try and see how it holds up.
Below is my full review on both the Pro Matte and Total Cover foundations as well as my comparisons and thoughts on both foundations. So which one would I recommend and why? Keep scrolling to find out. 💗Sass
L’Oreal Pro Matte Foundation
Pros: Light Weight, blendable and buildable, easy to work with; decent coverage
Cons: Not a great shade range, does transfer; oily after a few hours
Final Thoughts: I didn't have much expectations for this foundation when I first used it because I didn't know much about it but after using it for some time I can say that I do like this foundation overall. I do have some cons though. First of all and the biggest con of all is the color selection. My shade ( cocoa) was not only the darkest shade, but it ran SUPER red/orange on me and I have to mix this foundation with another to get more of my color. I tried going down a shade but that color was much too light and after doing more research I found that the entire line runs the same way. As far as formula I do like it and found that it was easy to use, easy to blend and left me with a demi-matte finish like it claimed. Coverage was also pretty decent. I do have to say though that after a few hours I did start to get shiny and needed to blot and that my other biggest con was that this foundation does transfer even after I set it with a powder. I'd say this foundation worked pretty good and I like it. 3.5/5 💄💄💄
$12.99 at Ulta
L’Oreal Total Cover Foundation
Pros: Full coverage, long wearing, light texture
Cons: Not a great color range; not good for oily skin; not the easiest to blend
Final Thoughts: Okay, after trying out this foundation for a few weeks I have some thoughts on this one also.. For one, I'll start with the positives, it is definitely full coverage and a little bit goes along way. I love that you do not need much to cover your face which is great because that means this foundation will last you a long time. Also, I like that it feels super light once it's on the face and doesn't look cakey or feel cakey at all…. Now for the cons, for one, like with the Pro Matte foundation I see that they did nothing to expand on or even fix the shade range and my shade is the darkest and once again a bit too orange/red. Secondly, this foundation is much thicker than the PM therefore you have to be really quick when blending it in because otherwise it will dry and make you look patchy. Also, because it is so thick, blending was not really easy with a sponge so I would recommend using a brush and working in an area at a time. And finally, my biggest con was that this foundation left me SUPER shiny after only two hours and left me looking like a greaseball the entire day. So if you are oily/combo like myself definitely prime and set this foundation and be prepared to powder after a few hours. I will say that this foundation did hold up much longer than the PM and it didn't wear at all. Overall I'd say this foundation is good but if you're oily be prepared to work with it.
$12.99 at Ulta
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