Grandma's Wise Words...

My Grandma M. is a true treasure! She is always there for me whenever I need her to be, always there to listen, always gives the best advice, is incredibly resourceful, and she saved me several times from losing my mind all four years as an undergrad!

Over the years, as I looked to her for advice I took note of some of the things she said (some borrowed, others she came up with on her own) and I managed to collect quite a few of Grandma M.'s words of wisdom.

In honor of Grandparents Day just passing I wanted to give you all a look at some of the things my Grandmother told me over the years that turned out to be great advice whenever I needed it.

Grandma M.'s Words of Wisdom~You are responsible for your own happiness. It's noone else's job but your own.

~The writing is on the wall you just have to turn around and see it.

~When your conscious is talking to you-listen- it's the Lord talking to you.

~One monkey don't stop no show.

~Don't mistake my meekness for weakness.

~The only man you will ever need to depend on is the Lord.

~Don't let anyone stop you if you want you want to do something because sometimes you don't get a second chance.

~To avoid criticism is to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.

~Better to remain Silent and be thought a Fool than to Speak Out and Remove All DOUBT

~There is a saying that goes like this-How Do You Eat an ELEPHANT? A little piece at a time.
So Tiff, don't stress, do a little at a time and it will get done.

~ Tiff,you may not be getting pay for this service, but you will certainly get God's blessing and that is worth more than money.

~ There is a reason and a season for everything

Thanks Grandma for all your great advice and little sayings!!! I really do look to them when I need to.

(P.S. If she says any more or emails me-yes, my Grandma e-mails haha, I will let ya know ;-))